No more wasting time! Just follow the simple steps below to fix that pesky singing problem of yours. It’s as easy as one, two, three!!

“Truthfully I bought this course thinking I would return it, since it wasnt going to work. I wanted to sing but I knew that I didn’t have the voice that anyone wanted to hear. I was surprised when I learned so much on just the first video! It worked and fast! She is a miracle worker!”
Lesson 1
Running Out of Breath
Breathe in a sigh of relief knowing that these vocal drills are going to help you breathe a little better. In this lesson we’ll go over what it feels like to run out of breath while singing and what vocal drills to focus on to fix this issue.
Lesson 2
can’t sing high notes
No more pushing from the depths to reach those high notes. It’s time to let them fly! In this lesson we’re going to go over what it feels like to struggle with singing high notes and learn what drills will expand your high range.
Lesson 3
Voice is cracking
Get prepared to smooth out the transitions between notes and no longer feel like a yodeling maiden! We’ll go over what it feels like to have your voice crack, break, yodel or shift hard between notes. You’ll learn how to control your transitions and make your voice stay under your control!
Lesson 4
Hard/Painful To Belt
Here comes some Big BOLD Notes! Get ready to belt! In this lesson we’re going to go over how to belt properly within your mixed voice. You’ll learn how to gain better control of your voice making those ballads easy to sing! Watch out karaoke nights!
Lesson 5
Can’t Hold Notes Long
Get ready to sing those LONG notes you’ve always wanted! You’ll learn how to sing the ending notes of songs and hold them for longer periods while sustaining proper support and control. No more fading out at the ends!
Lesson 6
sing off pitch
You WILL sing on pitch!! Trust me on this one! Where’s the note?? Are you on pitch or not? In this lesson you’ll learn how to hear when you are singing on or off pitch and how to adjust the notes when needed. We’ll dig into ear training with my Jedi Mind Trick!
Lesson 7
sloppy riffs & runs
Let’s sing some pop music! Watch out Beyonce! In this lesson we’ll go over how to sing riffs and runs like a professional. You’ll learn how to train your vocal cords to make the quick adjustments you need to nail your favorite singing riff.
Lesson 8
cant sing loud
Get ready to sing LOUD with power and strength! In this lesson you’ll learn how to hit notes with a big bold sound to fill the room and how to sustain it. We’ll go over drills to open up the space to create the booming voice you want.
Lesson 9
Can’t sing low notes
Ready to sing some luscious, full, and heavy low notes! In this lesson we’ll go over how to sing low notes with power and fullness. You’ll learn how to hit low notes with strength, sustain them and make them beautiful! Soon you’ll be filling the room with that sultry base note!
Lesson 10
cant control vibrato
No more shaky or stagnant vibrato! In this lesson we’ll go over how to control your vibrato. You’ll learn how to activate your natural vibrato, slow it down or even speed it up whenever you want while singing. It will be under your control.
Lesson 11
can’t sing quietly
Get ready to sing delicately and quietly. Shhh! In this lesson we’ll go over how to sing quietly. You’ll learn how to sing notes in a delicate yet concise way. We’ll go over the way to reduce your volume and create the dynamics you want, even while singing within your middle range.
Lesson 12
singing flat
Get ready to sing bright, light and on pitch melodies! In this lesson we’ll go over how to sing on pitch. You’ll learn how to lighten up the weight from your notes and really focus on lifting your sound, so you no longer go flat.
“I’ve learned more in one lesson from Audrey than I did in three months of lessons with my previous teacher. I’m so excited to keep going!”
“Thank you so so much! I did the exercises for breath support and within that one lesson I could finally sing through my song without feeling exhausted. Best. Teacher. Ever.”
Choose A Pricing Option:
We have several options for you! You can try out the course with a lesson absolutely free. You can choose our easy payments, or you can save money by purchasing it in full. There’s an option that’s right for you.
Payment Plan
- Unlimited Access
- 17 Voice Lessons
- 33 Vocal Exercises
- Full Backing Tracks
- 7 Hours Of Video
- All Vocal Ranges Included
- All Singing Levels Welcome!
Full Payment
- SAVE $20.00!!
- Unlimited Access
- 17 Voice Lessons
- 33 Vocal Exercises
- Full Backing Tracks
- 7 Hours Of Video
- All Vocal Ranges Included
- All Singing Levels Welcome!

100% Money Back Guarantee
Not sure if you’re going to love this course? That’s ok! You can totally try the course for seven days absolutely risk free. If you are not 100% happy, then we’ll fully refund your money. No questions asked.
We are that confident you’ll love it!

So what are you waiting for?
Fix that singing issue now!